Hospitality sector seeks to maximise room hire revenue to claw back lockdown losses


Hotels, conference centres and meeting venues are making their space as adaptable as possible to maximise revenue from room hire, conferences and meetings.

That’s according to Julian Sargent, group managing director of Style Partitions, who says there’s been a noticeable rise in interest for moveable walls from businesses that generate revenue from room hire.

“The room hire market is returning now that we are out of lockdown,” says Julian, “and, as such, we are seeing a lot of interest for moveable, folding and partitioning walls from a whole range of organisations that rely on room hire income.

“Hotels, conferences centres, churches, village halls and sports clubs all rely on hiring out their facilities, and by creating flexible space through moveable walls they can maximise their income by using the same space for a whole variety of events.

“An important aspect of this is the ease by which the space can be reconfigured, and the quality of the acoustic ratings on the moveable walls. Both factors mean that the space can be quickly changed several times a day and concurrent meetings and events can take place undisturbed.

“Because we offer such a superb range of market leading moveable walls we can cater for all requirements whether it’s a local church, as shown in our recent case study for Downing Place in Cambridge, or a major banqueting suite and meeting venue, such as our installation at the Londoner Hotel in Leicester Square.”

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