Style Launches Acoustic Checklist to Help With Product Specification
Style is committed to offering the very highest quality of advice regarding acoustic performance, as well as only supplying market leading products. As part of this we have launched a new “Acoustics Check List” – a simple ‘ready reckoner’ that will help ensure you select the right product to meet your acoustic requirements.
“Acoustics is such an important issue to most companies looking for a partitioning wall,” said Julian Sargent, Style’s Group Managing Director. “Only once a product is in situ can it’s true acoustic performance be measured, which is why it’s important to know what questions to ask, what checks to make and what to look out for during the specification process.”
Style’s Check List asks the following key questions:
1. Is the manufacturer clearly mentioned in the quotation, accompanying sales brochures and other supporting documents?
It is vital that you know this to ensure long term maintenance and repairs are possible
2. Has an acoustic test certificate been provided and does it have the manufacturer’s name on it?
The legitimacy of this document should be established at the outset
3. Has the manufacturer authorised that the certificate can be used to support the product that has been offered?
Even though a certificate has been produced – it is invalid unless the testing manufacturer confirms it can be used by the particular supplier
4. Does the acoustic test certificate clearly state the name of an independent laboratory and that the product has been tested to the latest standards;
BS EN ISO 140-3:1995 or BS 2750-3:1995?
[Building Bulletin 93 requires this – also this test standard ensures that the tested product is in fact a folding wall that is operated before it is tested – don’t rely on “on site” tests, every site is different however laboratory tests are to a standard]
5. Is the test certificate supplied for the product that is being offered?
For instance, if a “semi automatic” system is offered then a test certificate for a “semi automatically” operated system should be supplied- not a “manually” operated wall test as the seal pressure may be different
“We’ve given this check list to a number of companies so far – all of whom have said how helpful it is in clarifying the whole issue of acoustics,” continued Julian. “Because if you follow these 5 questions you shouldn’t go too far wrong, not only in determining the right product but the right supplier as well.”
You can download a copy of Style’s Acoustic Check List from the Acoustics section of the web site or email your local Style office and they will be pleased to send you a copy.
For information about a project which requires acoustic integrity, please call us and we will be pleased to offer advice and guidance.