Style’s chairman to climb Kilimanjaro for StrongMen charity


In October 2024 Style’s chairman, Julian Sargent, will join a team of 20 bereaved men and StrongMen staff to climb Africa’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro. 

As well as helping to highlight men’s grief and awareness for the charity, the climb will also raise money to fund StrongMen’s 2025’s Weekender events which are already receiving applications.

StrongMen is a charity that was set up to support men following bereavement. Grief can cause severe emotional and physical health conditions which are often overlooked and even ignored, especially in men.

It was with personal experience in these issues that the team behind StrongMen created a range of incredible services to help men going through the toughest of times.

This June, the Kilimanjaro team visited the Altitude Centre in London to experience the impact of altitude. Tested up to 5100 metres, TAC provided detailed reports and training plans for each member of the group.

“There is a lot of training and preparation to do,” said Julian, “but our determination to help the StrongMen charity and all of the bereaved men who need their support, is driving us along.

“The charity is very close to all of our hearts and we’re pleased to be able to do something positive to help with its amazing work.”

If you would like to offer your support please use the link below.

If you are struggling following a bereavement, why not reach out