Book your RIBA approved CPD with Style


Bookings are being taken for 2016 for Style’s RIBA approved CPD seminars, which have always been popular with architects.

Hosted either on site at your company’s offices, or at Style’s prestigious London showroom, the CPD’s cover the topics of ‘multi-functional space’ and ‘fully automated vertically rising acoustic partition systems’.

“We enjoy tremendous feedback for our CPD seminars from architects all over the country,” said Mike Fine, Style’s director for the Midlands. “As a group, Style has five regional offices in Scotland, the north of England, the midlands, the south and south east, and architects can request a CPD from the team in their local area.

“For architects in London, the option is to either host it in your offices or visit our showroom in the Clerkenwell district. In doing so, the added benefit is that you can also see our moveable wall solutions, plus experience their acoustics, in person.”

As exclusive UK partners to DORMA, SWG and Skyfold, Style’s team has drawn from its extensive expertise and product knowledge from some of the most innovative, flexible and stylish solutions in the market.

Expectations are rising in terms of the variety of finishes and acoustic standards demanded by architects and their clients, and the moveable walls sector is moving quickly in terms of the demand for new and more innovative solutions.

BIM-based planning is also an area of interest to many architects and, in addition to the CPD, Style’s team are also on hand to answer any questions on this topic too. Style was the first UK supplier of moveable walls to be able to offer comprehensive BIM files for key elements of their range of partitioning wall systems. BIM (Building Information Modeling) is the smart, computerised, three-dimensional planning of buildings, and 2016 is the year when it becomes mandatory in the UK for all publicly financed construction projects to use BIM.

The CPD seminars cater for a broad cross section of the industry, including corporate, education, hospitality, religion and health as well as many others.

To book your CPD, please contact your nearest regional Style office.