Demand for Skyfold scales new heights


It was 2003 when Style introduced Skyfold to the UK market, and 10 years later the company celebrated its 100th installation in 2013.

Now just 3 years on, and with demand for Skyfold at an all-time high, Style has made over 200 installations, and when you see this operable wall in action its easy to understand why.

“Skyfold was, and still is, completely unique in the moveable partitioning walls sector,” said Mike Fine, Style’s director for the Midlands.

“There was a period in the early years when we were raising its profile in the UK, bringing it to the attention of architects, specifiers, contractors and end-user clients.

“But now, with awareness of Skyfold much higher, the level of demand is quite phenomenal.”

Skyfold is a vertically rising, fully automatic, acoustic moveable partitioning wall which is housed discreetly in the ceiling cavity so that it takes up no floor space and is hidden from view when not in use. Offering up to 59dB Rw acoustics, it provides a virtually sound-proofed solution when in place, and its popularity spans a wide range of market sectors.

“We have seen demand accelerating all over the UK, covering the corporate markets, schools, universities, colleges, hotels, conference centres, local authorities – this really is an incredibly versatile product,” continued Mike.

“It even offers a ‘thin path of travel’ which means it can operate in the busiest of rooms, descending from the ceiling into the tightest of floor spaces without having to reorganise the furnishings.

“Some of the finishes we have provided have also been breathtaking – offering not just beautifully designed, flexible space but real ‘wow’ factor when people see it in operation.”

Style intends to hold a champagne celebration for its 250th Skyfold client – perhaps that could be you?

For more information, please contact your nearest regional Style office.