Increased operable wall automation predicted for 2017


With demand for fully automatic moveable partitioning walls continuing to rise, demand in 2017 is expected to hit an all time high.

That’s according to Mike Fine, Style’s director for the Midlands, who is seeing a growing number of architects specifying fully automatic systems to make the division of room space quicker and easier for their clients.

“The days of manually opening and closing a partitioning wall by hand, then using a crank handle to lock it into place, are soon to become a distant memory,” said Mike.

“Nowadays, people simply want to push a button and for the moveable wall to open and close on its own – the advantage being its far easier and quicker for the operator, but also there’s less chance of operator damage from poor handling.”

Great examples of fully automatic systems can be found on Style’s web site in the moveable walls video section. These include Nottingham University, St. Joseph’s Primary school in Dundee, and UBM in London.

Skyfold, the vertically rising, acoustic moveable wall is also fully automatic, with videos available in this section of Style’s web site too.

“There’s little doubt,” added Mike, “that the moveable partitioning walls sector is shifting and that, over time, fully automated solutions will replace manual and semi-automatic systems.

“It makes it so much easier to create flexible space by pushing a button to sub-divide or open up a room, and as it involves no manual handling whatsoever there are health and safety advantages too.”

For more information please contact your nearest regional Style office.