Moveable Partitions an Excellent Investment for Schools


Schools looking at the investment of 2015/2016 Budgets should consider the practical and financial advantages of installing moveable partitioning walls.

Andy Gibson, Style’s director for the north, explains that the benefits of creating flexible space in schools are far-reaching, which is why operable walls are appearing in an increasing number of schools all the time.

“Virtually every new school development and most refurbishment projects now involve the facility to use space as flexibly as possible,” said Andy. “Schools, academies and colleges are under a great deal of pressure to use their rooms for a wide multitude of activities, with certain rooms changing from assembly halls into PE, dance, drama or examination areas all in the space of a day.

“Gone are the days when schools have the luxury of allocating certain rooms just for one activity, and then leaving them empty at other times. Now, getting the most out of every room is vital which is why the popularity of moveable partitioning walls has never been higher.”

Style is the UK market leader in moveable partitioning wall systems, and the exclusive UK partner to DORMA, Skyfold and SWG. It means the company has an extensive portfolio of wall systems to match any budget or requirement.

The education sector has seen monumental growth in recent years as schools recognise the benefits of using space as flexibly as they can. Thanks to the outstanding acoustic integrity of Style’s product range, schools can also choose walls that are virtually soundproofed when shut – therefore enabling a noisy dance lesson to be run concurrently next to a lesson that requires peace and quiet.

“The latest moveable wall systems offer phenomenal acoustics, privacy and easy operation,” said Andy. “By only using the space you require also saves on heating and lighting of large areas.

“As a result, we are finding that many schools are choosing to invest part of their annual budgets in creating flexible space because this is far better than adding new temporary buildings or creating extensions.”

For more information, please contact your nearest regional Style office.