Scheduled servicing a ‘must’ for moveable partitioning walls


Anyone with a moveable partitioning wall that does not have it regularly serviced should do so immediately.

That’s the advice of Andy Gibson, Style’s director for the north, who says that scheduled servicing is vital for protecting your investment and ensuring your operable wall serves you for many years.

“Moveable partitioning walls need a regular inspection and service to minimise potential downtime, preserve the wall’s acoustic integrity and help you comply with health and safety regulations,” he explains.

“Style’s national team, which operates from our 5 regional offices, services some moveable walls that have been in use for up to 25 years. They have been in operation that long thanks to routine servicing, with preventative maintenance avoiding any problems before they happen.

“At Style, our service contracts include regular maintenance visits, during which our engineers will inspect, clean, lubricate and adjust all mechanisms and components in accordance with best practice. We can also replace any damaged or worn parts to avoid any recurring problems turning into serious issues – very much like having a car serviced!”

As well as scheduled servicing, Style’s national team of technicians also offer an emergency repair and breakdown service which includes repairing partitioning walls that Style didn’t originally install.

“Don’t worry if its not one of our moveable walls, as our team can always help,” said Andy. “And if you are concerned about your operable wall we can come and do a free health check with no obligation.”

For more information, please contact your nearest regional Style office.
