Skyfold Maximises Space for Schools, Colleges and Universities


For educational establishments looking to sub-divide rooms, without losing any floor space, Skyfold is unrivalled. As a vertically stacking, fully automatic partitioning wall, Skyfold is housed in the ceiling cavity which means rooms can be used to their full capacity when the wall is retracted, but can be segregated in minutes.

“Tukes School in London uses Skyfold in their main hall and loses no floor space width at all,” said Efrem Brynin, Style’s Skyfold Product Manager.
“Skyfold also provides Tukes with a great deal of safety for its students because the turnkey operation can only be activated by two people which means it cannot be opened or closed without supervision, but if the fire alarm goes off it will automatically retract.” Skyfold has particular appeal to schools, colleges and universities looking to sub-divide theatres, because it can be designed to close comfortably onto steps in a tiered auditorium; something that horizontally folding walls cannot easily do.
“For any architect, specifier, contractor or educational establishment that hasn’t seen Skyfold before, it really is a ‘must see’”, said Efrem.

Skyfold can be seen operating by visiting the Skyfold page of our web site and viewing one of the videos. A case study of Tukes school is also available on the site. If you would like to discuss a project for the education market, or simply learn more about Skyfold for future projects, please contact your nearest Style office.