Style Launches New Videos to Demonstrate Product Benefits


A new set of videos demonstrating Style’s product range is now available at Style’s Website and also on You Tube (Simply search for Style Partitions to view them or visit our channel on You Tube). Featuring DORMA Moveo and Comfortdrive as well as 7 Skyfold videos, these online demonstrations offer an excellent facility to view the aesthetics, ease of operation and overall appeal of Style’s movable partitioning and vertically stacking walls.

To watch the videos simply visit the Moveable Walls section of our web site and click on the “Product Videos” link in the grey box on the right hand side.Style is the exclusive UK distributor for DORMA, Skyfold and SWG offering an extensive range of manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic operable walls.

“We’re always being asked for demonstrations and these online videos offer a great opportunity to see the walls in action,” said David Louden, Style’s Director for Scotland.
“However, where we can really add a great deal of value is in helping to specify a product for a particular room and we would encourage anyone looking at a project to contact us so that we can tailor a solution that offers flexibility, a beautiful finish and great acoustic performance.”

For more information or to discuss your next project please contact your nearest Style office.