Style ready for BIM 2016


With just 3 months of the year remaining, it is not long before it will become a mandatory requirement in the UK for all publicly financed construction projects to use BIM.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) describes the smart, computerised, three-dimensional planning of buildings. The virtual technology is realistic enough to create a precise 3D image of a building to be constructed.

Style was the first UK supplier of moveable walls to be able to offer comprehensive BIM files for key elements of their range of partitioning wall systems, and according to Mike Fine, Style’s director for the midlands, the use of BIM will see some significant shifts for architects, specifiers, designers and the construction industry as a whole.

“BIM-based planning has become standard practice among architects and construction engineers in the USA, and in 2016 it will become a mandatory requirement in the UK for all publicly financed construction projects,” explained Mike.

“This is one of the most significant developments in building design for many years, and to give a flavour of its international importance, BIM has also been given high priority in France and in Germany, where the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is encouraging the widespread use of BIM.

“Rather than simply delivering downloadable 3D objects in different graphical formats, our DORMA Hüppe BIM tool provides Style’s customers with up-to-date, reliable and precise product data for the planning, construction and management of buildings.

“As a result, BIM offers enormous improvements when it comes to saving time and money. It increases the accuracy of estimations, reworks, alterations and the avoidance of error due to the loss of information.

“Adopting it is therefore far more involved than just changing the software you use. It requires everyone in the engineering, architecture and construction industries to work differently, and it’s going to become essential criteria to use a BIM provider when specifying projects.”

Style is the exclusive UK partner to DORMA, and their early adoption of BIM is a direct reflection of their continual drive to deliver innovative partitioning systems that out-perform the competition.

For more information, visit the home page of Style’s web site and click on the “BIM banner”.