Style showcasing at ‘Education Buildings Scotland’ Exhibition


Style Scotland will be showcasing its latest moveable wall solutions at this year’s Education Building Scotland exhibition at the EICC (Edinburgh International Conference Centre) on the 21stand 22nd November 2018. Visit Style at Stand A16.

Education Buildings Scotland Exhibition & Conference brings the Scottish education built environment and policy professionals together from early years, schools, colleges and universities for two days under one roof. 

The Scottish Government, SFT, AUDE and Architecture & Design Scotland, fully support Education Buildings Scotland.

Education Buildings Scotland attendees are responsible for the whole spectrum of education facilities, from early years to universities. They’re all at different stages in the project lifecycle, from initial funding decisions to refurbishment. 

The two-day conference programme will provide attendees with advice, inspiration and guidance, while the exhibition will help them to source the organisations, products, and services that can help them achieve their objectives.

“We’re delighted to be attending this year’s exhibition,” said David Louden, Style’s director for Scotland.

“Visitors will be able to see one of our latest moveable walls in full operation on our stand, and can talk to our experts about recent developments in flexible room design for schools, colleges and universities.”

Style is the UK market leader for moveable walls, and the education sector is one of its largest markets.

“We have anything from simple manual folding walls through to fully automatic systems that descend from the ceiling to divide stepped lecture theatres, which means we have solutions for all requirements and budgets.

“If you’re visiting the exhibition, we’d be delighted to see you at stand A16.”