Universities, colleges and schools: Book your moveable wall service and repair for the summer break


Universities, colleges and schools with moveable walls should use the summer break to book a routine service.

That’s the advice of Hannah Thorneycroft, service manager for Style North who says that moveable, folding and partitioning walls require routine servicing to ensure their continued smooth operation, compliance with health and safety regulations and acoustic integrity.

“Moveable walls are an important feature of most educational establishments, allowing them to change the use of their rooms for different activities,” said Hannah.

“In any busy environment, where the walls are being opened and closed on a regular basis, it’s important to ensure they do not develop any faults and that they continue to operate smoothly.

“Investing in a scheduled service can save a lot of money in the long run, because our technicians can not only check that all aspects of the wall’s components are working properly, they will also identify any potential issues, such as worn parts, which can be rectified early to avoid problems further down the line.

“A good example is at a North of England University where Style was awarded the service contract for all of their moveable walls, including some that we had fitted and others that had been installed by other companies.

“At our first visit, our technicians found that the carriers on a moveable wall not fitted by Style had become cracked and damaged.

“This was causing issues with the moveable wall’s operation, and we replaced them to restore the wall to full working order.”

With over 20 years’ experience in the design and installation of market-leading moveable wall systems, Style offers a comprehensive aftercare service supported by a nationwide team of maintenance technicians operating from four regional offices.

Fully trained, the engineers are accredited to service and repair all makes of moveable wall, from fully automatic systems to simple folding partitions.

Style’s teams are continuously trained and assessed in health and safety, asbestos awareness, risk assessment and PASMA certified. Style is also CHAS and Constructionline Gold accredited.

For more information please contact your nearest regional Style office