Vertically Rising Blinds – Simple but Brilliant!


Traditional blinds could be a thing of the past with a simple, but brilliant, new product being launched by Style.

DORMA’s Moveo Glass partitioning wall can now be fitted with integrated blinds that rise from the bottom, rather than drop from the top, which means privacy can be provided whilst retaining space above eyelevel for light.

“When you think about it, it seems obvious that blinds are better lifting upwards from the floor, rather than down from the ceiling,” said Andy Gibson, Style’s director for the North.

“By raising the blinds just above head height means no-one can see into a room, but light can still come in from the top. It’s one of those simple ideas that’s really very clever!”

Style is the exclusive UK partner to DORMA, Skyfold and SWG which means the company offers an extensive portfolio of moveable wall solutions in a variety of finishes.

Demand for glass partitions with integrated blinds comes from a diverse range of sectors, offering discretion to patients in the health sector, removing distractions in schools and enabling companies to hold meetings in privacy when required.

“I can see vertically rising blinds quickly replacing traditional ones,” said Andy, “as it’s clearly the most practical way to operate them. It goes to show that sometimes the simplest ideas are the best!”

For more information, or to discuss your next project, please contact your nearest regional Style office.