Redlands Church
in Bristol
Redlands Parish Church in Bristol is a growing and changing church. Encouraging people at all stages of their lives, whatever their backgrounds, to join them they are highly pro-active in bringing local people together for a wide range of weekly activities.
As a result, room requirements change frequently depending on what event is taking place and, working with O'Leary Goss Architects and Kitto Construction, Style was asked to create multiple flexible space to make the very most of the church’s facilities.
To achieve this, Style installed three different moveable wall systems including Skyfold, a fully automatic, vertically rising, acoustic moveable wall housed in the ceiling cavity, DORMA Moveo, a lightweight semi-automatic partitioning wall with ComforTronic® automatic seals, and DORMA FSW-G, a non-acoustic glazed folding screen that is simple but effective in dividing a room. Each wall serving a different purpose for the church.
“Redlands Church has been able to attract vital income by having flexibility, as its able to sub-divide its floor space into separate rooms with speed and ease, and then hire them out,” said Julian Sargent, Style’s group managing director.
“They use one room frequently as a pre-school, and thanks to the combination of moveable walls they’re able to run all sorts of events concurrently making really good use of the facilities.”
Style is the 9 times winner of the FIS Gold Contractors award and market leader in the moveable walls sector. The operable wall specialist has specialised in the religious sector for many years, with a wide range of varied installations in churches across the UK.
“Churches can pose interesting challenges,” continued Julian, “particularly older ones where the room shapes can be difficult to contend with, ceilings are high and walls uneven. This makes the process of installing a moveable wall more demanding, however we have always been able to find a solution thanks to our superb product range and the skill of our installation teams.”

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