Heightened Privacy
Acoustic Performance
Eppendorf is a worldwide manufacturer providing high quality laboratory equipment and expert application support to the life science community.
The company relocated its UK offices from Cambridge to Stevenage in 2012. Working with architects and project managers JK Design, an important feature of the new premises was the creation of flexible space in their meeting areas where technical seminars, open days, meetings and conferences are held – all of varying sizes.
With privacy being important to ensure that concurrent meetings and events do not disturb each other, but budget also being a consideration, Stylefold 120 was chosen. Stylefold is an easy to operate flush acoustic folding wall which can either be hung from a ceiling track or supported by a low profile surface mounted floor track. Supplied as either a centrefold or endfold configuration it can accommodate different parking requirements and all panels are continuously hinged.
With a 44dB Rw rating incorporating double glazed panels to the front elevation, Stylefold 120 offered Eppendorf all of the benefits of ease of use, the ability to reconfigure the room quickly, maximising light and visibility, and strong acoustic performance.
“We created a very stylish, practical solution for Eppendorf,” said Keith Way, Style’s director for the south east.
“We applied maximum double glazing to ensure privacy, and by using glass we retained the open plan and spacious feel of the building. We also installed pass doors and created an arrangement that meant the area could be configured into several smaller meeting rooms or one large expanse.
“For many businesses, having this degree of flexibility offers significant financial benefits because it not only means a larger number of meetings can be carried out each day, but there’s no need to book conference rooms off site and in hotels when larger audiences are being catered for.”
In addition to the installation, Eppendorf also subscribed to Style’s on-going after sales service which protects their investment through regular servicing and preventative maintenance.

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