A Modern & Flexible
Learning Environment
Gateway to the Valleys in Bridgend is a new secondary school and community campus. It is one of the largest single investments in a shared community and education building in Wales.
The new community campus, on an existing 39 acre site, incorporates a 1,570 place comprehensive school for pupils aged 11 to 18 and a 6,500 sq ft dedicated community facility. This facility includes a café, a multi-agency hub, child care unit and provides for various other community activities.
Working with Leadbitter Construction and Scott Brownrigg Architects from Cardiff, Style was specified to provide a modern and flexible learning environment through a number of varying room configurations; something that is becoming the norm with new build school projects, as the benefit of sub-dividing space for different daily school activities is recognised.
In total, 19 DORMA Variflex walls, ranging from 44dB to 55dB, were installed to give the school flexibility. All moveable partitioning classrooms walls have a white magnetic writable surface, and the corridor walls a stylish Wenge timber effect laminate finish.
"New schools are a blank canvas for creating the best possible learning environment,” said Julian Sargent, Style’s managing director.“At Gateway to the Valleys, for instance, not only are the rooms flexible, but the partitioning walls also act as white boards, making even better use of space.
“The acoustic integrity is outstanding which means concurrent activities can take place either side of the closed walls in complete privacy.Yet the walls can be opened quickly and with ease to provide wide open spaces for other activities,such as assemblies or dance classes."
“The end result is not only highly practical for the school, but is a wonderful advertisement to parents and students that they are being offered a really modern, cleverly thought out environment to enhance their education.”

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