The purpose-built facility ensures the College is a first choice for those looking for the very best Performing Arts, Media, Graphic Design and Creative Arts courses.

A key ingredient to the facility’s success was to make it as flexible as possible for a wide range of activities. Working with architects, Pick Everard of Leicester, and contractor, ISG RegionsLtd, Style was commissioned to install a large moveable partitioning wall that would enable the college to use the main dance hall for a multitude of purposes.

“We chose DORMA Variflex 55dB (Rw) as the optimum solution,” said Mike Fine, Style’s Director for the Midlands, “and we installed twelve panels totalling 14.9 metre wide and 6.64 metre high, all with a clean and stylish laminate finish. Ease of use is essential, particularly when manoeuvring very large panels such as these, however by utilising the Variflex Type 14 Smart Track system at each end, tall heavy panels can be moved very effortlessly into and out of the parking areas.

“They also glide into position without any need to manually direct them because the selectors and diverters guide the panels to the correct location every time."

“The end result looks superb,” continued Mike, “and this operable wall opens up the scope for how the room can be used, it means more students can enjoy the studio, and it increases the number of classes and rehearsals that can be conducted each day.”