Style’s repair team saves
University’s damaged moveable wall

At a major University, Style’s northern team was awarded the contract to provide scheduled servicing of all of its moveable walls – there being a large number across the campus.

Some of the walls had originally been installed by Style, and others had been fitted by other providers and, upon inspection, it was noted that the carriers on a moveable wall not supplied and fitted by Style were cracked and damaged.

This was causing issues with the moveable wall’s operation, and Style’s technicians advised that the carriers needed to be replaced to avoid further damage.

In order to do this, Style had to source the specific carriers that worked with this type of moveable wall, and having found a supplier they ordered 30 and replaced them on site.

“This is an excellent example of why its so important to have your moveable, folding or partitioning walls routinely serviced,” said Hannah Thorneycroft, service manager for Style North.

“Without replacing the carriers, the operation of this wall would have become increasingly difficult, which often results in operators using excessive force to open and close it which can then lead to even worse damage down the line.

“Unless the problem is identified and fixed in time, the worst case scenario is that ultimately the wall becomes so damaged it needs replacing.

“By spotting the problem at an early stage meant we could swap the carriers and return the moveable wall back to its original smooth operation, saving a considerable amount of time and money.”

Universities, colleges and schools are some of the highest users of moveable walls, as it gives them the freedom to adapt their space quickly and easily to cater for different events and classes each and every day.

Its for this reason that the demand for routine servicing of moveable walls in educational establishments is so high, as its vital to them that their operable wall can be repeatedly used without any issues.

As well as checking the overall operation of a moveable wall, Style’ standard service visit also ensures its acoustic integrity remains intact and that the wall continues to comply with health and safety requirements.

Click here for more information on moveable wall service contracts

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