A Cost Effective
Multipurpose Solution
Like many schools, Brompton-Westbrook Primary School in Gillingham uses its classrooms and main hall for a multitude of activities. Room usage can change quickly and frequently each day, and for this reason the need to reconfigure space with speed and ease is essential.
Budget is also an important consideration. School funds are precious and any investment has to offer the children and teaching staff a genuine benefit, and all expenditure must be kept to an absolute minimum to ensure available money can be utilised across as many important areas as possible.
With this is mind, when Style was asked to help the school sub-divide a classroom, the dining room and the main hall, it was important to offer a solution which was fit for purpose, durable, in-keeping with the school decor and very good value for money. Stylefold 120 was selected as the most suitable product, simply because it met all of the school’s criteria. One was used to divide a classroom into two, which could be opened out quickly into one large teaching area.
Two were installed in the dining room to enable temporary classrooms to be created in just a few minutes. And in the main hall, Stylefold enabled the room to be split into two with a mirrored finish for dance classes.
“Stylefold is very cost effective, easy to operate and can either be hung from a ceiling track or supported by a low profile surface mounted floor track,” explained Keith Way, Style’s director for the south east.
“Fitted with double PVC seals all round, this is a flush acoustic folding wall that ensures a high level of acoustic integrity between adjacent rooms, which is ideal for schools whereby a reading class may be taking place next door to a music lesson.”
Supplied as either a centrefold or endfold configuration to accommodate different parking requirements, all panels are continuously hinged and the lead panel is supplied as a pass door as standard.

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