Patient privacy and dignity is an important aspect of hospital care, and funds were secured to redesign the A&E department's Observation Unit to offer single sex accommodation, and improve infection control through the provision of single, and en suite, rooms.

As demand for these rooms varies daily, Style was approached to create flexible space that would be easy and quick for hospital staff to organise. The best option was DORMA’s Moveo® Glass, which provides a feeling of space and maximises light, is very simple to manoeuvre and has venetian blinds for immediate privacy.

“Having understood Warwick Hospital’s requirements, we decided that Moveo® Glass, with its automatic seals, would offer the best solution,” explained Mike Fine, Style’s Director for the Midlands.

“The automatic seals allow the panels to be set in place or moved to their parking area quickly and without the need for an operating handle. The venetian blinds are controlled remotely from the nurse’s work station where all areas can be viewed.

“And, as this was a refurbishment, the options for parking were limited but by using double point suspension the panels are conveniently parked clear of the opening and do not cause an obstruction when not in use."

“The inset personnel doors also give a clear width of 1000mm and Moveo® Glass achieved 50dB sound reduction in the laboratory test which allows patient confidentiality at all times.”