Working with Architects, Allen Associates, and Contractor, Brooks & Wood, Style was specified to create a flexible space in the church so that a multitude of activities could take place during the week including services, teachings and community events.

In the main hall, DORMA Varitrans was deemed the best option for functionality, style and budget. As a glass partitioning wall, which is effortless to manoeuvre, it sub-divides space but retains a feeling of light and openness throughout any room. This was ideal for the main congregation area by delivering privacy but without feeling contained.

In the upstairs teaching rooms, 2 Stylefolds were installed with a 46dB acoustic rating in a mix of light blue, apple green and burgundy colours to complement the interior design. Stylefold is a highly practical, low cost moveable wall, popular with churches, schools, village halls and community centres.

"We were delighted to have been specified once again by Allen Associates after completing many successful projects for them through our southern office,” said Keith Way, Style’s director for the south east.

“We’ve been involved in many projects with churches as there is a growing appetite to maximise the use of space, bring in additional revenue by hiring out facilities during quieter times and be able to run more than one event concurrently.

“The combination of the glass Varitrans and the colourful Stylefold was perfect for the Danbury Mission and the project was delivered on time, within budget and to everyone’s complete satisfaction.”